Dissemination is an important aspect of any research project, namely if it belongs to the group of those funded by the European Commission. Not only does it enable the sharing of results with other researchers, but it also exposes one’s work to other colleagues.
SAIL takes dissemination very seriously, and several means are being used for this purpose, this blog itself being one of them. Still, one of the main ways to disseminate scientific work is the publication of a paper in a reputed journal, with peer evaluation.
Given the area of work of SAIL, we have been looking for journals that issue calls for papers dedicated to “Networks of the Future” or “Future Internet”, in the aspects addressed by the project.
It happens that IEEE Communications Magazine issued a call for papers addressing “Future Internet Architectures: Design and Deployment Perspectives”, with a deadline on Dec. 15th, 2010. This topic was right on the target for SAIL, and we could not miss this opportunity to present the ideas being developed in the project. A group of people in the project was set up, to write the paper under a relative tight deadline, with quite some discussion on the contents and structure (as one could expect from a paper with multiple authors), and we did manage to submit the paper in due time: “Content, Connectivity, and Cloud: Ingredients for the Network of the Future”, Bengt Ahlgren, Pedro A. Aranda, Prosper Chemouil, Luis M. Correia, Holger Karl, Sara Oueslati, Michael Söllner and Annikki Welin.
A few weeks ago, we got the good news that the paper had been accepted (from an acceptance ratio of 15%!), and the final version has already been sent to the publisher. It will come out at this July issue of the journal.
Of course, this paper could not have been possible without the collaboration of all colleagues in the project (implicit authors), who have contributed with many discussions. A “thank you” to all of them, on behalf of the actual authors (explicit authors).
Disclosure and disclaimer: I am engaged in SAIL, an ICT project about the Future Internet, on behalf of IST-TUL. However the opinions expressed in this post are my personal, and not those of the SAIL project or my employer.