By Dominique Dudkowski and Peter Schoo.
On March 29, the first ASMONIA workshop took place in Heidelberg, Germany.
ASMONIA (Attack analysis and Security concepts for MObile Network infrastructures, supported by collaborative Information exchAnge), sponsored by Germany‘s Federal Ministry of Eduation and Research, is developing a holistic security concept for mobile network infrastructures that satisfies the diverse requirements of modern networks. Integrity protection and attack detection solutions that exploit characteristics of resilient and flexible systems like cloud computing will therefore be integrated. Additionally it integrates reputation preserving collaborative information exchange mechanisms between operators.
Because ASMONIA’s security challenges, such as the multiple facets of mobile network utilization (e.g., public/private use) and the growing technical heterogeneity (3G, 4G, non-3G and future generations) and complexity (roaming, interworking) of the overall system, are also encountered in SAIL’s architectures for the networks of the future, ASMONIA invited Work Package 5 – Cloud Networking (CloNe) to present SAIL’s approach to cloud networking.
In CloNe, SAIL researchers are currently designing an architecture that combines computing, storage, and networking resources into agile flash slices, which will support robust Internet and cloud computing architectures of the future. Security naturally plays an important role also in CloNe, and it was a valuable opportunity to exchange views on ASMONIA’s security concepts and on SAIL’s CloNe architecture.
Disclosure and disclaimer: Dominique Dudkowski (NEC Europe Laboratories) and Peter Schoo (Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology SIT) are engaged in the SAIL project. The opinions expressed in this post are their personal ones and not those of the SAIL project or their respective employer.