The book resulting from the 4WARD Project

It’s not every day that a group of colleagues in a project funded by the European Commission decides to take some extra work on themselves, and accepts the challenge of putting together in a book the project’s key results.

Well, this is what happened with 4WARD (Architecture and Design for the Future Internet), which ran from Jan. 2008 until June 2010.

With the support of the project management a team was put in place, involving colleagues from all Work Packages, and addressing all technical areas of the project. Taking inputs from project deliverables, contributed by almost all project participants, chapter editors had a crucial role in getting the most important results into their contribution. The result was a comprehensive book about the techniques that are envisaged to be part of the development of the networks of the future, together with some non-technical views on these technologies.

The book’s title is the one from the project, “Architecture and Design for the Future Internet”, and it has been published by Springer, at the beginning of 2011. Detailed information on the book, including the Table of Content and some sample pages, is available at Springer.

You can buy the book directly from Springer, or from Amazon.

Do take a look at it!

Disclosure and disclaimer: I am engaged in SAIL, an ICT project about the Future Internet, on behalf of IST-TUL. However the opinions expressed in this post are my personal, and not those of the SAIL project or my employer.

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One Response to The book resulting from the 4WARD Project

  1. google says:

    I liked your article is an interesting technology
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