just a few words about the first general meeting for the SAIL project.
All SAILors where invited to Lidingö, Stockholm, Sweden in September 14-16. About 80 of us met up at a conference centre just outside of Stockholm.
It turned out to be a great meeting, seeing new and old friends for some interesting talks and even some real sailing.
It was an early and bright September morning when I arrived at the hotel. The weather was crisp and sunny. In reception I met a lot of SAILors either checking in at the hotel or already having breakfast.
The first day was an SAIL open day with interesting talks from invited speakers.
We listened to Joe Armstrong, the inventor of Erlang, talk about “What a guy who knows absolutely nothing about networks, really would like networks to do for him”.
We also listened to Johan Wahlberg from SVT Play, who talked about “Real life perspective from an OTT content provider today and in the future”.
They gave us both food for thought and some good laughs. Thanks alot, guys! There were almost 90 of us taking part in this.
The two following days were packed with hard work in the different subprojects and cross themes. But also some real sail team racing! Despite threatening rain it turned out to be a sunny and competitive team building effort. It was with great pleasure I watched my fellow SAILors transform to real serious sailors competing in teams of six persons per boat. The boats where six J/92-race boats. You will find a few pictures from the sailing here.
Judging from what I saw during these days, the project will be a success!
Disclosure and disclaimer: I am engaged in the SAIL project, on behalf of Ericsson. However the opinions expressed in this post are my personal, and not those of the SAIL project or my employer.