The second day of the concertation meeting was the main plenary meeting. The room was more crowded, and we listened to a very large number of short presentations. The Future Internet concertation meeting covers quite a few projects, as you can see in the picture below.
Mr Andrew Houghton from the European Commission opened up the day, and reminded us why the concertation meetings are held. From the picture above it’s clear that there’s need for forums where the different projects can interact and seek collaboration.
Next up was two European Technology Platform Status Reports. First Fiona Williams from Ericsson presented eMobility. She was followed by Nicolas Chuberre (Thales Alenia Space), who spoke about ISI (Integral Satcom Initiative).
Open access and Open source
Then followed an interesting session on openness.
Branko Mikac (University of Zagreb), representing e-Photon/ONe and BONE, described how the projects have worked towards creating and publishing educational material. They published around half of the material under a Creative Commons licence.
Then Jean-Francois Dechamp (European Commission) outlined how EC looks at openness. As an example, in the European Community Treaty, article 179 you can read: “The Union shall have the objective of strengthening its scientific and technological bases by achieving a European research area in which researchers, scientific knowledge and technology circulate freely“.
Next on the agenda was a panel discussion on Open Source.This turned out to rather be four separate presentations by the panel members… But the presentations were interesting and relevant.
Miguel Ponce de Leon started with presenting some conclusions from the 4WARD project relateted to Open source.
Richard Graham (Bird & Bird) then gave us some legal aspects and viewpoints on Open source. It is crucial that you spend time on the licencing agreements, even for “open source”. Naturally this is important if you plan to include open source-code into a project or product. But as Graham pointed out, it is also important if you plan to release something as open source – the type of licence you choose might influence to which extent your open source will be adopted by a larger community.
At this point we should have got a presentation by Roberto Galoppini. However he couldn’t attend, so instead we was pointed to a blog post on the topic Roberto published – go read it!
The next speaker, Marko Boger, was a bit different from all others during the meeting. Not only did he use Prezi rather than Powerpoint, he was also the only one who got himself a wearable microphone and stepped away from the speaker’s podium. Marko spoke about his experiences with open source. He outlined five different business models based on open source – including “Open Source out of desperation”.
The last speaker before lunch was Diogo Gomes (IT Averio). His topic was focused on the role open source plays in the academic world, and why open source is important at the universities.
Afternoon – an abundance of presentations…
The afternoon was a busy session. I will not even try to go into any details of all the presentations. All the “new” projects (the “call 5″ projects) introduced themselves.
The projects includes: e-Mobility, FISI, ceFIMS, EX-FI, SESERV, ACROPOLIS, TREND, ECONET, SAIL, FIGARO, EXALTED, FLAVIA, ULOOP, CHANGE, SPARC, PURSUIT, MEDIEVAL, UNIVERSELF, ONE, oneFIT and CHRON. (…don’t you just love all the acronyms..
Of course I must highlight the SAIL presentation, done by Thomas Edwall. You’ll find the slides he used here:
At the end of the day Luis Rodriguez-Rosello (new head of unit “Future Networks” (unit D1) at the European Commission), gave a presentation on where he sees the research in Future Networks to be focused going forward.
Disclosure and disclaimer: I am engaged in the SAIL project, on behalf of Ericsson. However the opinions expressed in this post are my personal, and not those of the SAIL project or my employer.
Hi Johan,
I’m sorry I couldn’t make it this time, but I just wrote a short blog entry around online dissemination, hope you’ll find it useful.
Thanks Roberto,
I assume that you used the wrong link to your new blog entry, since I found and believe that is the link you meant..?
I will definitely get back with a response to that post – I have a feeling this might be an interesting and fruitful conversation!
Yes Johan, I pointed to the old entry by mistake, the one you found is the right one.
I’ll be glad to keep the conversation going.