SAIL is part of the European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme (FP7), and within the scope of FP7 a number of concertation meetings are held. The objective of these concertation meetings is to align and exchange ideas between the involved projects.
This week (October 18-20) a concertation meeting for all projects dealing with the topic of Future Networks is held in Brussels, Belgium. In a series of blog posts we will update you on the topics that are covered.
Day 1 – Socio-economics
The first day of the meeting was dedicated to the subject of socio-economics.
Despite a railway strike in Belgium, which affected the travel plans for several participants, the meeting started at 9.30. Mr. Paulo DeSousa from the European Commission opened up the meeting and we where set to go.
Morning session – “The price of quality”
The first half of the day was about “the price of quality”. The moderator of the first session, prof. George Stamoulis from Athens University of Economics and Business (and from the Euro-NF project), welcomed the audience and introduced the first speaker.
Paola Fantini, from Politecnico di Milano, represented the FP7 project ETICS. She spoke about the methodology for assessing costs and benefits for inter-domain QoS provision that the ETICS project has developed.
The next speaker was from SAIL; Tapio Levä from Aalto University School of Science and Technology spoke about Internet content delivery as a two-sided market. The slides Tapio used are available here:
The last speaker in the morning session was Bart Lannoo from Ghent University, who represented a number of projects, including BONE and OASE. The topic was techno-economics of optical access networks.
After the presentations a more open discussion took place before it was time to break for lunch.
Afternoon session – “Governance issue in the Network of the Future”
The second part of the day was dedicated to “governance issue of the Network of the Future”. This session was moderated by Wolfgang Kleinwächter (Aarhus University), who is also representing Euro-NF.
As the first speaker we once again were proud to see Tapio Levä representing SAIL. This time he spoke about governance issue in the Network of the Future. The slides Tapio used are here:
Next up was Avri Doria (Blekinge Institute of Technology), representing the project Euro-NF. She presented the Governance of the Internet of Things.
Avri was followed by Massimiliano Minisci, European Liason at ICANN. He outlined the way ICANN works, talking about Multistakeholderism as a guiding principle for Future Internet governance models.
The last speaker of the day was Eduard Tric, from Salamandre Strategies, who talked about Pax Digitalis: from web of things to directories of the future.
After the afternoon speakers there was once again an open discussion around the topic.
Disclosure and disclaimer: I am engaged in the SAIL project, on behalf of Ericsson. However the opinions expressed in this post are my personal, and not those of the SAIL project or my employer.