The speakers and topics at the SAIL Summer School in Santander (June 25-28, 2012) are presented below.
The University of Cantabria Research Vice-Chancellor (Prof. Angel Pazos) will welcome the SAIL Summer School and will take part at the opening session on Monday.
The registration process for the SAIL Summer School is found here (link).
Benoit Tremblay joined Ericsson in 1997 and Ericsson Research in 2002. His work focused on establishing experimental systems for the IP edge, access and broadband networks. Over the last years, he held technical leader role in research projects covering Carrier Ethernet, distributed control plane and packet systems architecture. He lately joined the cloud wave with a telecommunication point of view. Before joining Ericsson, he has been a consultant in various domains such as power utility control systems, billing and telecommunications. He holds a Msc in Mathematics and Computer Science from Université du Québec à Montréal and co-authored many papers and patents. He is currently the technical manager of the SAIL project.
Benoit will give an introduction session named A SAILor’s view on the Future of the Internet:
The way we use internet has changed drastically since it has been invented about forty years ago. From connecting a few computers for scientific computation, Internet has evolved in connecting billions of people, allowing them to make business, entertain or socialize, helping them to create, exchange and consume text, audio and video content, while being in the office, at home or on the move.
This talk will present the SAIL’s view on what should be the Future of Internet.
The key elements in the SAIL vision are:
- Addressing content rather than nodes to get quickly the right content without overconsuming network resources.
- Combining networks and clouds to better deliver applications to users.
- Improving connectivity services in all segments of the network to support new applications
Peter Sjödin holds a PhD from Uppsala University in Computer Science. He is an Associate Professor in Communication Networks at KTH Royal Institute of Technology and is leading the Network Systems Laboratory unit at the School of Information and Communication Technology. His current research interests include network system architectures, protocols and network architectures, and energy-efficient networking.
Peter will talk about Network Virtualization:
This lecture gives an overview of the concept of network virtualization and covers different techniques for network virtualization. During the lecture we will discuss the rationale for network virtualization, cover different application areas, and finally highlight some of the main issues and challenges involved. The lecture starts with network virtualization for virtual private networks, and goes through the basics for provider-provisioned VPNs as well as user-provided VPNs. Thereafter we explore network virtualization as a technique for protocol experimentations, and discuss how network virtualization can be used in order to experiment with different network architectures and paradigms in parallel on a shared infrastructure. Techniques for virtualization of network elements and links are covered, together with different principles for virtualization such as slicing and aggregation. The lecture will also cover control and management aspects for virtual networks.
Hareesh Puthalath received his Masters in Information Technology from the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy in 2006 and Bachelors degree in Applied Electronics from the College of Engineering,Trivandrum, India in 2003. Prior to his masters he worked as a consultant for Tata Consultancy Services. He joined Ericsson AB as a Researcher in Ericsson Research, Stockholm in the area of Packet Technologies. He worked with the design, development and evaluation of a distributed caching system (CDN) for telecom operators. From 2008, he has been working in the area of virtualization and later cloud computing with a focus on cloud networking. He is the prototyping task leader for Cloud Networking in the EU FP7 project SAIL. His research interests include Cloud and Cloud networking, Virtualization, Distributed systems (specifically CDNs) and GPU computing.
Enrique Fernández Casado received both his Master in Computer Science and Security and Bachelor in Computer Science (Software Engineering track) from the Universitat Rovirai Virgili, Tarragona, Spain in 2011 and 2009, respectively. Before joining Ericsson AB in 2011 as a Research Engineer in the area of Packet Technologies, he worked for the Arquitecturas y Servicios Telemáticos research group conducting state-of-the-art research on the field of Distributed Systems and Peer-to-Peer Networks. As a result of his work at AST he authored several international research publications. Since he joined Ericsson he has been working in different cloud-related tasks ranging from prototyping tasks to more theoretical ones. Enrique is now involved in the EU FP7 project SAIL. His interests include Distributed Systems, Cloud and Peer-to-Peer Computing and Software Engineering.
Hareesh and Enrique will hold a hands-on-session: Cloud computing and data center interconnection with OpenStack:
The lecture will start by introducing the different technologies (e.g. Virtualization) that have enabled what we all know today as “Cloud Computing”. Afterwards we will present this “new” paradigm as a solution to handle Data Centre scalability (by improving the utilization of physical resources). Reached this point students should have acquired enough background as to be ready to start experimenting with real Cloud software. A hands-on activity with OpenStack will be carried out.
Andreas Timm-Giel received his Dipl.-Ing. (M.Sc., ’94) and Dr.-Ing.(PhD, ’99) from Bremen University on mobile radio channel modelling. From 1994 to 1999 he was leading a research group on mobile and satellite communications and was involved in several EU funded projects. After receiving his PhD he moved to MediaMobil GmbH and M2SAT Ltd. as Technical Project Leader and Manager Network Operations. In 2002 he joined the Communication Networks group at Bremen University as senior researcher, project leader and lecturer. From 2006 he was additionally directing the interdisciplinary activity `Adaptive Communications’ of TZI (Center of Computing and Communication Technologies). In 2009 he was appointed full professor at Hamburg University of Technology and is since then heading the Institute of Communication Networks. His research interests are mobile and wireless communications, sensor networks and the Future Internet.
Ramón Agüero
Ramón Agüero received a degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Cantabria in 2001 and a PhD in 2008. He is currently an Associate Professor at the Communications Engineering Department on that university. He has participated in several collaborative research projects. His research focuses on WLAN and WPAN technologies, with special attention on performance analysis of TCP/IP protocols over them and multi-hop (mesh) networks. He is also interested in aspects concerning heterogeneous network deployments and the Future Internet realm. He has published more than 100 technical papers in such areas.
Xi Li received her bachelor degree (B.Sc.) in Electrical Engineering from Sun Yat-sen University, China in 1999; and her master degree (M.Sc.) in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from Dresden University of Technology, Germany in 2002. In 2009 she completed her PhD in Communication and Information Technology from University of Bremen, Germany. In February 2003 she joined the Communication Networks Group at the University of Bremen as a PhD candidate and research scientist. In 2003 she worked in an EU Project on communication of heterogeneous wireless networks with Mobile IP, from 2003 to 2009 she worked in an industrial R&D project on dimensioning of the 3G UMTS radio access networks. Since 2009 she has been working as a senior researcher (postdoc), lecturer, and leading an industrial R&D project on dimensioning of LTE (Long Term Evolution) access network, as well as involved in other different research projects. Her research interests include: Mobile and Wireless Communication Networks, Simulation, Analytical Modeling, Dimensioning and Capacity Planning for Mobile Access Networks, Estimation of QoS/QoE, Load Balancing, Network Virtualization, and Flow Management. She has made 37 publications in the area of mobile communication network planning and optimization. She has been a member of IEEE for many years, and now she is also a member of VDE/ITG (Information Technology Society, Germany).
Andreas, Ramón and Xi will give a lecture about Open Connectivity Services:
The Future Internet will bring new means of communications. These will pose a large number of challenges and technical issues which current solutions are not able to deal appropriately with. The design principles which are served as the basis to build the Internet (as it is today) are no longer valid and a different approach is required. This lecture will present the Open Connectivity Services (OConS) framework, and an innovative (but realistic) approach which aims at coping with all the challenges. The lecture will be structured as follows, starting with the requirements and design principles, detailing the involved networking concepts and depicting the proposed architecture and new approaches. In addition, this framework will be used to present illustrative research studies in network access selection, multipath access and flow management techniques. These include user-centric, network-supported and distributed network selection mechanisms. Results of performance analysis based on simulations and linear programming will be presented, showing the impact on the perceived QoE.
Mikael Eriksson-Björling is educated at the University College of Art, Craft and Design in Stockholm, Sweden and holds a Master of Education in Visual Art and Design. Mikael works since 1998 for Ericsson the world-leading provider of telecommunications equipment and related services to mobile and fixed network operators and has been holding several positions within the company both within product development and at Ericsson Research. Today Mikael is an Ericsson Networked Society Evangelist and Expert at Consumer Behavior with focus on explorative and strategic consumer research. Mikael publishes blog posts around this theme, both on the Ericsson Networked Society blog and on his personal blog. You can also find and follow Mikael on Twitter.
Mikael will give a keynote speach with the title On the brink of the Networked Society:
Today’s mobile and digital life is expanding into more areas of society and business. We now stand on the brink of fundamental innovation opportunities across industries, public services and in private life. Over the coming years, the rate of technology development and information and communication infrastructure performance will rapidly increase. This will enable new opportunities for people to create, learn, sustain and innovate for positive impact to our world. We call this new emerging society, of which we yet only seen the beginning, the Networked Society.
Susana Pérez Sánchez obtained her B.S in Electrical Engineering in 2000 and then finished her M.S degree in Telecommunication Engineering in 2002, both from the Engineering Faculty of the University of Deusto, where she continued working as assistant professor until 2008. In 2002 she started working as a researcher in the Advanced Networks division of Telefónica Research and Innovation and continued the collaboration from her position in the University of Deusto. In 2008 she joined Robotiker, a non-profit private research center which has been involved in the merger process (with other 7 centers) that gave birth to the actual FundaciónTecnalia Research and Innovation ( She is currently a project manager in the Telecom Unit of Tecnalia and has participated in several EU research projects, being the most relevant 4WARD and SAIL, as well as other national funded projects such as Smartwork and FutNet. Her research activity and interests are focused on opportunistic and mesh networks, new transmission techniques intended for protocol optimization in wireless sensor networks, and human oriented communications and interactions.
Susana will talk about Modified probabilistic algorithm for DTN routing based on contacts and adaptive learning:
Estimating self-* behavioural properties of nodes belonging to a DTN, and sharing the inferred knowledge (context awareness), leads to an optimised performance in this specific type of networks. Connectivity in DTN scenarios implies that nodes do not have permanent physical paths to all destinations, but only to some of their close neighbours instead, and moreover these neighbours usually change due to mobility or dynamics. The challenge is to design an algorithm that helps a DTN node take a dynamic decision regarding packet routing and forwarding. There are some approaches based on the study of historical connections occurred in a certain environment, which base the routing decision on the topology information available. Although they fit perfectly for a specific scenario, they usually fail on different deployments. Probabilistic routing approaches try to derive a mechanism for the node to decide to whom a packet should be forwarded, based on an estimated probability of success. Our lecture is particularly oriented to DTNs formed by human-carried devices and so, we focus on the analysis of human patterns and social behaviour. Our goal consists on the design and implementation of an adaptive algorithm (based on probabilistic routing), which used common daily routines of people and was able to exploit this information for a smart management of the connectivity in DTNs. We will explain our experience from initial experiments observing daily social contacts among colleagues inside an office building, towards the use of these contact data for the design of a routing algorithm in DTN scenarios.
Prof. Holger Karl heads the computer networks research group at the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Paderborn, Germany. He has two main research interests; the first one is advanced wireless networks, e.g., cooperative diversity techniques, and how theyrelate to network architectures as a whole. His second interest is future internet, specifically the design and architecture of protocol stacks, the role of name resolution, and how this pertains to the concept of Information Centric Networking (ICN).
Holger’s lecture will be on the topic of Information Centric Networking and NetInf:
The Internet is today mostly busy with distributing information: video streaming and large downloads are prominent examples. This is a particular problem when the same content is repeatedly transmitted over expensive links, e.g., interprovider links. While approaches like proxies or Content Distribution Networks (CDNs) try to improve this situation, the network architecture as such still stays unaware of the content it transports. Information-centric networking tries to take a fundamental approach by making the network fabric itself acquainted with information entities. To this end, problems of naming information: retrieving it, dealing with updates, etc. have to be solved. A small number of systems have emerged that do so, using rather different concepts. The talk will cover the basic problems and challenges, briefly survey competing approaches, and then concentrate on the NetInf solution developed by SAIL.
Matteo D’Ambrosio has been working in Telecom Italia Lab since 1989. In the 90s, he was involved in several research programs in the field of B-ISDN. From 1996 to 2006 his research interests shifted to the field of Internetworking, particularly in the areas of IP routing giving his contribution to the design and innovation of the IP Networks of Telecom Italia. Since 2007, he has been working on ICN, first in the European FP7 4WARD project, and then in the SAIL project.
Matteo’s leacture will cover GIN (Global Information Network): A Hybrid Approach to Information Centric Networking:
In this lecture an Information-Centric Network (ICN) architecture called GIN (Global Information Network) will be presented. GIN is an ICN proposal under development in the 7th FP SAIL – Scalable and Adaptive Internet Solutions – Project. GIN is an hybrid ICN approach, in the sense it supports both dissemination and conversational communication models. GIN aims to interconnect information objects over heterogeneous L3/L2 underlayers, in the global network, by means of an integrated name-based resolution and routing mechanism. Data are routed by names into the GIN network on a double path: the resolution path is used to route information object requests to destination through a chain of Dictionary nodes arranged according to a Multi-level hierarchy of DHTs (MDHT). Each object request initiates a communication session between the requesting entity and the object source. Data in the communication session are routed on a fast path which is a direct path with minimal cost (i.e. a shortest path). Caching of data is performed in the network in the MDHT infrastructure. That is, caching is performed on the resolution path, using a collaborative approach. In the lecture the main motivations behind the GIN approach will be given, with an overview of the architecture. Besides, the performance and scalability of the approach will also be discussed.
Rolf Stadler is a professor at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, Sweden. He holds a M.Sc. degree in mathematics and a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Zurich. In 1991 he was a researcher at the IBM Zurich Research Laboratory. From 1992 to 1994 he was a visiting scholar at Columbia University in New York, which he joined in 1994 as a research scientist. From 1998 to 1999 he was a visiting professor at ETH Zurich. He joined the faculty of KTH in 2001 and is at the School of Electrical Engineering, where he leads research into management of networked systems.
Rolf will talk about Protocols for Distributed Management:
The lectures cover two fundamental classes of protocols that execute in a distributed management architecture. The first is the class of Echo protocols, which can be used for distributed polling, global state estimation, resource discovery, and distributed configuration. The second class is that of GAP protocols, whose main application is continuous real-time monitoring. All these protocols are based on distributed trees, which are created during execution. Furthermore, they perform in-network aggregation of the results from local operations on network elements. The presentation of the protocols starts with the discussion of their underlying distributed algorithms, which determine key properties and the performance profiles of the protocols.
Luca Muscariello is a senior expert in the research community on “Future Networks” at Orange Labs (France Telecom), the community of engineers responsible for the innovation and evolution of France Telecom network infrastructure. He holds a M.S. (2002) and a Ph.D. (2006) in Telecommunications Engineering from Politecnico di Torino (Italy). His graduate research was performed in the area of Internet traffic measurement, characterization and modeling at Politecnico di Torino, France Telecom R&D in Paris and at VTT in Helsinki. During 2006, he was a post-doc fellow in France Telecom R&D, working on performance evaluation of wireless networks. His current research interests include optimization, simulation and analytical modeling of wired and wireless networks. He is a member of the IEEE.
Luca will give a lecture on Performance analysis of network of caches:
In-network caching is a fundamental building block of information-centric networks. Analytical characterization of such systems is of the greatest importance, either from a theoretical point of view but also to design performance evaluation tools, easy to use in practice. In this lecture we describe the problem in the most general form and show how some solutions by asymptotic formulas and approximations can be obtained in some specific cases. In particular we will consider the case for the LRU and RND replacement mechanisms in some simple network topologies.
Heikki Hämmäinen is a professor of Network Economics at Department of Communications and Networking, Aalto University, Finland. His main research interests are in techno-economics and regulation of mobile services and networks. Special topics recently include measurement and analysis of mobile usage, value networks of cognitive radio, and diffusion of Internet protocols in mobile. He is also active in International Telecommunications Society, national research foundations in Finland, in addition to several journal and conferences duties.
Heikki will talk about Network economics methods:
This talk covers a toolbox of research methods based on the modeling work done in our Network Economics team at Aalto University. Methods include scenario planning, system dynamics, agent-based modeling, and techno-economic modeling. To make the methods and their positioning easily understandable case examples will be used related to problems in network architectures and radio access. Some examples will touch the Network of Information concepts being developed in the SAIL project.
Professor Luis Muñoz received both the Telecommunications Engineering and Ph.D. Degree by the Polytechnical University of Cataluña (UPC), Spain, in 1990 and 1995 respectively. He is head of the Networks Planning and Mobile Communications Laboratory belonging to Dept. of Communications Engineering (DICOM) at the University of Cantabria. His research focuses on heterogeneous wireless multihop networks and applied mathematical methods for telecommunication. He has participated in FP4, CABSINET; FP5, WIND-FLEX, WINE, PACWOMAN, 6HOP and FP6, MAGNET (workpackage leader), Ambient Networks, GOLLUM, CRUISE, SAIL, SmartSantander (Technical Manager) and OUTSmart. He has published over 150 journal and conference papers. He serves as editor of several journals.
Luis will give the closing keynote with the title Internet of the Things and Smart Cities:
Internet of the Things and Smart Cities: the meeting point of the Future Internet. There is no doubt that the traditional Internet concept was drastically changed by the impact of mobile communications, which changed all the facets of society, namely social relationships, economy, industry, transportation, etc. In a quite similar way, the smart city use case is inspiring the research community to open a plethora of new study areas aiming at integrating huge numbers of heterogeneous devices with the traditional Internet so as to bring the Future Internet paradigm into a reality. The different problems and solutions adopted when facing the deployment of a massive Internet of Things infrastructure in the framework of a city will be detailed. The possibility of experimenting on top of such an infrastructure whilst providing services will be discussed and the business cases that can make the smart city paradigm sustainable will be introduced.
The Technical Program Committee for the SAIL Summer School: | |
Ramon Agüero | University of Cantabria, Spain |
Bengt Ahlgren | Swedish Institute of Computer Science - SICS, Sweden |
Roksana Boreli | National ICT Australia Ltd - NICTA, Australia |
Luis Correia | Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal) |
Thomas Edwall | Ericsson, Sweden |
Stephen Farrell | Trinity College Dublin, Ireland |
Marta García-Arranz | University of Cantabria, Spain |
Carmelita Görg | University of Bremen, Germany |
Heikki Hämmäinen | Aalto University, Finland |
Holger Karl | University of Paderborn, Germany |
Dirk Kutscher | NEC, Germany |
Johan Myrberger | Ericsson, Sweden |
Azimeh Sefidcon | Ericsson, Sweden |
Peter Sjödin | Royal Institute of Technology - KTH, Sweden |
Rolf Stadler | Royal Institute of Technology - KTH, Sweden |
Lucian Suciu | Orange Labs, France |
Benoit Tremblay | Ericsson, Sweden |
Djamal Zeghlache | Institut Telecom, France |
More resources around the SAIL Summer School | ||
Pages related to the SAIL Summer School on the SAIL web site | The main page about SAIL Summer School | |
How to register for the SAIL Summer School | ||
SAIL Summer School details | ||
Speakers and topics at the SAIL Summer School | ||
PhD Work-in-Progess session including Call for Papers | ||
Mail address for questions around the SAIL Summer School | summerschool (at) sail-project (dot) eu | |
Flyer/poster in PDF format about SAIL Summer School. | Link to flyer | Feel free to download, print and distribute. |
SAIL Summer School events on Facebook and LinkedIn - take the opportunity to "join" these if you will attend: | Facebook event for SAIL Summer School | LinkedIn event for SAIL Summer School |
SAIL on Twitter: | @SAILproject | If you tweet about the SAIL Summer School, please use the #SAILSummerSchool hashtag |